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About Lesson

Every course has a set of lessons/assignments. These can be a:

  • Quick Assignment – Task that should take you about an hour max. Sometimes less, sometimes more.
  • Video – Watch a video related to the Course. This can take between 15 minutes and 1 hour. The time is visible beforehand.
  • Quiz – Every video is followed by a Quiz. This should take 10 minutes to complete.
  • Workshop – A big assignments that requires more time and effort. Between 2 – 8 hours.

You can ‘finish’ a lesson by checking the check mark “Complete Lesson” in the top right corner. We won’t check up on your work. The responsibility of doing the work and doing it well rests solely on your shoulders.

BUT the Incubation Manager will want to see the results of your work and if possible give feedback. Yours peers are the best source for feedback. We expect everyone that takes part in this environment to be active. Help each other and you will be helped in turn. Together we can build knowledge needed to survive.

Now, “Complete Lesson” in the right top corner and you have just finished your very first Assignment!